He looked at the indicator. There was no doubt that the axes no longer corresponded to Euclidean paralellity: they persistently attempted to cross. And not just somewhere in mathematically curved space, but here, within the framework of the spacecoordinator.
Losing the paralellity of both axes in the byspace – this was worse than ending up in open seas without a compass. At least there the stars would still shine in their designated places. You could deduce where you have ended up. Here? You try telling apart the stars from the byspace projections. How «lucky»! For the misfortune to strike here, instead of the native space. If I don’t return sense to the coordinator, I’ll end up somewhere I won’t be getting out from even given three years.
What has happened? Everything seems to be breathing normally, there are more resources than could be possibly needed, you couldn’t use up too much even if you were trying, yet it’s obvious the machine is glitching out. Oh, technicians – coryphaei, oh, just you wait, I’ll get to you, you'll have no love for the sunlight after I'm done with you…